Monday, September 22, 2008

week 3

110th & Columbus 82, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

this week nick and i set up at 110th & columbus. the rest are here.

Monday, September 15, 2008

week 2

110th & Amsterdam 30, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

this week i set up on the corner of 110th & amsterdam with my friend meena and continued the stranger interaction project...

this week's results are here.

Monday, September 08, 2008

portrait project

110th & Broadway 12, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

i haven't posted here in a long long time but i started a street portrait project yesterday that i've wanted to do for a while. my roomate nick and i headed up to 110th & broadway and after various test shots, i decided on the setup above, facing east in the traffic island. then we got to work chatting up strangers passing by. we were out there for 45 minutes but agreed that we would have been happy to do it for much longer. we plan to work our way east "across 110th street" (the name of the project) in the coming weeks.

the all of the photos are here.