Monday, April 30, 2007

riverside park

riverside park, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

dinner in riverside park...

"i could fall in love with jersey at sunset...but i leave the view to the rats...and tiptoe...back."

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

looking for love...

chinese consulate #1, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

at the chinese consulate... dice.

chinese consulate #2

chinese consulate #2, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

midnight in a (im)perfect world

midnight in a (im)perfect world, originally uploaded by jonoliver. about midnight on the brooklyn promenade and it was still 70 degrees or so...(the title is a dj shadow song name). camera is still being repaired...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

spring has sprung (again)

Photo_042007_001, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

my camera is being repaired so this is a cell phone was 76 degrees today. spring seems to have sprung again in nyc...hopefully this will be the last time this year. this was from a little siesta i took on the great lawn in central park yesterday.

umoja village benefit

IMGP1645, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

this was in the "liberty city" section of miami about 20-25 minutes from south beach where the winter music conference was happening. there is a good article written on this event here.

IMGP1647, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

IMGP1650, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

IMGP1654, originally uploaded by jonoliver.


IMGP1656, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

IMGP1663, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

IMGP1659, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

IMGP1665, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

IMGP1667, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

the reggae band that donated the sound system...

IMGP1675, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

i love how i caught someone else's flash in this picture.

gilles peterson and dj moni

gilles peterson and dj moni, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

winter music conference...

miami beach

miami beach 3, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

Co-Op party

Co-Op party, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

Afronaught on the wheels (blue shirt)...IG Culture on the mic (green shirt).

not photochopped

not photochopped, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

south beach

much delayed pictures from last months' trip to dc

union station 2, originally uploaded by jonoliver.

union station

after a hard day of lobbying...

IMGP1587, originally uploaded by jonoliver. wasn't hard...

inside chuck schumer's senate office building

yes that sculpture is indoors...

the halls of justus...

the halls of justus..., originally uploaded by jonoliver.

or at least the halls of one of the senate buildings (hilary clinton's).

cimate crisis action day at the capital