beacon court
in the middle of the block between 58th and 59th streets, between lexington and 3rd avenues.
in the middle of the block between 58th and 59th streets, between lexington and 3rd avenues.
the spaceage walkway was not there when i was used to frequent this spot to copy mad cds on cassette!
nature v. the glass and metal matrix
the botanical garden visit was part of my birthday celebration/visit to cleveland -- i turned 30, my mom turned 60 and my grandfather turned 90 within one month of each other...the 20-50-80 party doesn't seem very long ago...although a lot has changed since then...
i want to get some raised letters like this for my apartment...i might need some benefactors too...
it's not just me right? i'm going to put a tip jar out on my desk at work with a sign that says "tipping is customary for clean copies and legible messages." this picture is from bus on the way to laguardia.
we walked through this sketchy grassless park while trying to get to the Brooklyn Bridge walkway entrance.
after we went to the bodies exhibition.
friday's films stand up!
had to take the C train express to 125th to catch another train back down to my stop....the wait for both trains was um....magnanimous (or some actually appropriate word).
one of the most moving things about the funeral (albeit minor) was that during the procession, the vast majority of the cars driving in the opposite direction pulled over out of respect (they definitely didn't have to stop and our line of cars was looong).
some parts of downtown bessemer look like they haven't been touch in 30-50 years.
parts of downtown bessemer like sort of like the wild west, can't you just picture a duel in the middle of the road?